Thornburn Ladies'
Badminton Association

Thornburn Ladies Badminton Association

Thornburn Ladies Badminton Association

Thornburn Ladies Badminton Association

Treasurer’s Report 2016-2017

Treasurer’s Report – Thornburn Ladies Badminton Association Inc.
For year October 2016 – October 2017

This year the Club’s efforts resulted in a virtual break even situation (- $15). Last year receipts were higher than payments by $2,237. The year before receipts were less than payments by $2120.

Factors that contributed to this result were:

  1. Match Fees per person remained the same as last years, ie, $85 per season.
  2. Match Fee Receipts were down as we had 6 teams in Section 2 in Season 2.
  3. Badminton Victoria Registration & Insurance fees were reduced to $20 per person this year which covered the costs of our annual fee to Badminton Victoria.
  4. Court Hire appears higher mainly due to last year’s being lower than normal.
  5. The cost of Shuttles this year was low compared to the last two years mainly because we did not buy as many shuttles and tried various quality shuttles.
  6. Receipts from Shuttle sales were slightly down on last years.
  7. Receipts from fill-ins was much the same as last years.
  8. Our other minor payments for refreshments, prizes, admin etc. were in total much the same as previous years.
  9. Receipts for the Tramboat outing did not cover the cost of the event.

Funds in Bank: Funds in the bank at the start of the year were $6,545. At the end of this year the Funds at the Bank were $6,530.

Fund Raising: A very successful Fund Raising was held earlier in the year where we raised $1,037.10 for the Cancer Council of Victoria.

In Summary

Taking the above into account I would expect shuttle sales to be higher next year as we purchase more shuttles and Hire of Courts to be slightly lower.

Our Revenue will depend on how many teams we have playing. However at this stage I do not see a need to increase match fees from $85 per season and we should be able to leave BV at $20 per year.

The complete details of all costs and payments made throughout the year are available from the Secretary should you like a copy.

Dianne Forster

Summary showing breakdown and comparison with previous years can be seen here.

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